

Utilizing the Transfer Cast Coating method a vinyl plastisol or urethane solution is coated on a smooth or embossed release p aper using a knifeoverrollapplicationtoformafilm. Asecondand/orthirdlayerofthesepolymerscanbeappliedaswellasvarioustypesofadhesives thatwouldcomenextbeforeatextileorothersubstratewillbelaminatedtoformafinishedcomposite. Finalcuringwilltakeplacethat will form a homogenous and very strong coating.

The Transfer Coating Method affords great production versatility since it is adaptable to highly plasticized vinyl coatings, to vinyl dispersions with low plasticizer content and to urethane solutions; fabrics ranging from knits to woven's and non -woven substrates can be conveniently coated. The transfer process allows quick change of colors, gauges and types of fabrics construction. These processing advantages combined with the highly desirable quality of the end product, make the transfer coating method the most widely used coating technique for producing man made leather materials.

BSCT manufactures cast coated product up to 99” usable width for many industries including but not limited to Automotive, Mar ine, Military and Aerospace.